Exam Mode

Exam mode for secure read-only access

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over a week ago

Exam mode is a read-only version of the Showbie web application that is accessible via a distinct URL, separate from the primary Showbie web app.

This mode will allow students to safely and securely access Showbie in formal assessment situations such as final exams. Students will have “open book” access to refer to their Showbie coursework while completing an exam. Students in this mode are blocked from communicating with anyone in Showbie.

Student Experience

When accessing Showbie during an exam, students simply sign in to Showbie as they normally would after accessing Showbie via their web browser at a special URL. All their regular Showbie content is accessible but cannot make any changes in the app. For example, a student would not be able to upload a file, post or revise a comment, add annotations to a document, or join a new class or group. Students are also prohibited from creating a new account or from signing in to Showbie as a parent or teacher.

Here's how it would look like when a student is logged in:

Setup and Deployment

Your school's IT department must take steps to limit Showbie access on student devices or on your school’s network in order for exam mode to serve its intended purpose. These include:

  • Block access to the Showbie iOS app while an exam is in progress. This can be accomplished either by iOS device provisioning via MDM or by blocking specific URLs on your school network. Our support team can assist you with the URLs to be blocked.

  • Block access to the main Showbie web app, at https://my.showbie.com, either by device provisioning or on the school network.

Exam mode is available as part of your Showbie Pro subscription. Please contact sales through this typeform for pricing or support@showbie.com with any questions on exam scenarios.

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