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A Guide to: Co-Teaching

Have more than one teacher teach a class together, leave the class when needed!

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over 7 months ago

Showbie allows you to share in your teaching experience by adding co-teachers to your class. Use this guide to learn how to become a co-teacher and how to leave a class as a co-teacher. Co-teachers will have the exact same privileges as the owner teacher and will be able to manage files and students in the same way.

Note: if a co-teacher archives the class, it will be archived for all teachers. If a co-teacher deletes a class, it'll be archived instead and all co-teachers will be blocked. Be mindful of who the co-teachers are in the class when archiving or deleting!

Teachers on our free, Basic plan are able to join a Pro teacher's class but are still limited to the features of the Basic plan.

Joining the Class

To join a class, you will need the class code from one of the teachers already in this class. Once you have this:

  1. On the home screen of your account, tap on the Wrench Icon. 

  2. Tap Join a Class

  3. Input the class code and tap Join

You will now need to be approved to join the class by one of the teachers already in this class. 

Approving Requests to Join

As a teacher approving another teacher to join a class:

  1. Tap into the class they are joining and tap the Wrench Icon in the top menu. 

  2. Tap Members

  3. In the menu that appears, tap Teachers

  4. Under 'Pending Requests', tap the Green Checkmark to approve the teacher. 

Leave Classes as a Co-teacher

To leave a class as a co-teacher:

  1. Go into the class you need to leave and tap on the wrench icon

  2. Tap on Members

  3. Select Teachers and tap on your name

  4. Tap Leave Class

Note that once you leave a class, you will become blocked from that class. If you wish to rejoin the class, an active teacher will need to unblock you.

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