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Assignment Statuses

Teachers and students can set the status of an assignment as progress is made.

Brett Commandeur avatar
Written by Brett Commandeur
Updated over a week ago

We’ve made it easier for teachers to stay on top of student work, spot when interventions are needed, and manage feedback workflows more efficiently.

By using Assignment Statuses, teachers can monitor individual student and class progress at a glance, keep track of student learning, and close feedback loops faster with personalized and actionable next-steps when needed.

Teachers and students can set the status of an assignment by using the Assignment Status dropdown bar to indicate what stage an assignment is in. This helps teachers ensure that students get the timely support they need as they progress their learning.

How to Set an Assignment Status

Assignment Status Types and Who Can Set Them

  • Not Started - Available for Teachers & Students

  • Working - Available for Teachers & Students

  • Submitted - Available for Teachers & Students

  • Needs Revisions - Available for Teachers Only

  • Done - Available for Teachers Only

The assignment status will automatically change from Not Started to Working as students add posts or create annotations within the assignment. Students can also manually set their assignment status to Submitted.

💡Teachers have the additional option to set a status of Needs Revision or Done.

The Assignment Status can be adjusted either from the student's folder or within the document itself:

Updating from the students folder (left) and updating from the document (right).

Setting an Assignment Status as a Teacher

  • Teachers can set a student’s assignment status to any option at any time.

  • Only teachers can set a student’s Assignment Status to Needs Revisions and Done.

  • If a student adds a post or annotation after the status has been set to Needs Revisions, it will automatically be set back to Working.

Setting an Assignment Status as a Student

  • All student assignment statuses default to Not Started.

  • Student assignments get changed automatically to Working if they add posts, upload documents, or create annotations within their assignments (this includes if the status was manually set back to Not Started).

  • Students will need to manually set their assignment statuses to Submitted.

View-only and Archived Assignments

  • When an assignment’s status is set to View-only, students can see the assignment status but not change it.

  • Teachers can update a student’s assignment status regardless of the assignment's visibility.

  • If an assignment is archived, teachers can only see the assignment status but not change it.

Assignment Status Indicators

Indicators for Student Folders

Assignment Statuses have corresponding symbols or icons that display next to each student’s name within their assignments. These symbols provide a quick view of how each student has progressed on their assignment. No status indicator is shown for assignments that are Not Started.

Assignment moving from
Working → Submitted → Needs Revisions → Done

A calendar icon with a '!' will show for both Students and Teachers if an assignment is submitted after the due date.

Indicators for Class Folders

When viewing a class folder or the 'All Assignments' list, assignments will display a summary count of Working and Submitted statuses within that assignment.

  • The summary count does not include assignments that are Not Started, Needs Revisions, or Done.

  • These counts are shown on assigned and collected assignments.

🚨 These indicators have replaced the previous paperclip and red circle icons.

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