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Reordering Assignments

Sort your assignments easily in Showbie.

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over 7 months ago

Assignments in Showbie can be reordered depending on what you need. They can be reordered by due date, name, or in a custom order.

How to Reorder Assignments

To get started, go to the class you need and look for the Edit button on the iOS app. If you're on the web app, find the Edit List button in the wrench menu instead.

Once there, you'll be able to reorder your assignments. You can sort them in two ways:

A. Use the reorder handles to sort them manually in a custom order.

B. Use this option to sort them either by due date or alphabetically by name.

The Custom setting is what's chosen if you've sorted them manually using the reorder handle.

Things to note:

  • Class folders have their own separate sort order that's unaffected by the Due date, Name, or Custom order options.

  • Class folders will always be above assignments.

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