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Logging into the Admin Dashboard
Logging into the Admin Dashboard

You're an admin - it's time to login to the admin dashboard!

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over 7 months ago

Wait, how do I become a Showbie admin?

If you are a school or district customer, the Showbie team can grant you or your colleagues admin access to your school. This will allow you to manage your school’s membership, licenses, and more.

Creating your teacher account

In order for you to be set up as an administrator, you must first either have or sign up for a Showbie teacher account.

Requesting admin access

Once you have an account, your current Showbie admins can request admin access for you. If you need further assistance, please reach out to our support team.

Signing into the Admin Dashboard

Once we’ve set you up with administrator access, you’re ready to start using the admin dashboard! Log into the dashboard via

To sign into the Admin Dashboard, use the email and password you chose when you set up your account. Alternately, you can choose to 'Sign in with Google' ,'Sign in with Microsoft', or 'Sign in with Feide' to access the Admin Dashboard as long as they are enabled on your Showbie account.

Resetting Your Password

If you need to set or change your password, you can do so in the Showbie App by signing in and following the steps below:

  1. Click your profile picture to access your account settings

  2. Choose Sign-In Options

  3. Go to Set/Change Password

  4. Enter your new password and then tap Set/Change Password

If you've forgotten your password, that's not a problem! You can always select the 'forgot password' option at login to request a password reset.

Now that you’re all set up, let’s get started!

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