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Resetting Student Passwords

School admins can help reset student passwords easily!

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over 7 months ago

If a student can’t remember their password, Admins can log into the Admin Dashboard and change their password on their behalf.

How to Reset Student Password

From the Students tab of the dashboard:

  • Click the 3-dot menu in the row of the student whose password you'd like to reset

  • Click Change Password

  • You will be prompted to enter and confirm a strong password with at least 8 characters

And voila! the student's password will be updated!

Note: If the student account was set up with Single Sign-On (Google, Microsoft, UniLogin, or Feide), you can reset your student's password with your SSO provider. If you choose to set a Showbie password for the student, you will be prompted to add a unique username for them as well.

💡 Teachers are also able to reset passwords for any student member belonging to one of their active classes!

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