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Edit Your Personal Information

Change your personal info in Showbie

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over 7 months ago

Change Your Profile Name

Did you spell your name wrong? Do you use a nickname instead? No problem, it's easy to edit your name in Showbie! 

  1. Tap your name in the bottom left corner of the iOS Showbie app. If you're using the web version of Showbie, you'll find it in the top right corner.

  2. Tap Account

  3. Edit your First and/or last name or Preferred Display Name

  4. Tap Save

Changing Your Email Address

Changing your email address is easy. Here’s how:

  1. Tap your name or profile picture in the bottom left corner on the iOS Showbie app. If you’re using the web version of Showbie, you’ll find it in the top right corner.

  2. Tap Account

  3. Enter your email address in the Email box then tap on Save

If you need to use your current email for a different Showbie account, you can use an email alias to free up your email address. Most email providers support “+” aliases, where you can append “+[keyword]” following your username and before the “@” which will still forward email to you correctly. For example, and will both send emails to the same address (

Please note that single sign-on options can only be connected to one account and should only be used with your original email address.

Add or Change Your Profile Picture

To add or change your profile picture in Showbie:

  1. Tap on your profile icon (on iOS this is in the top left, and on the website version of Showbie it's on the right)

  2. Tap Account

  3. Tap Change Photo

  4. You can then choose your photo to add

  5. Tap Save

To remove your profile photo:

  1. Tap on your profile icon

  2. Tap Account

  3. If you are on iOS, tap Edit in your profile, then 'Change Photo' and then select Remove Photo. If you are on the website version, you can simply tap Remove Photo on the Account screen.

  4. Tap Save

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Next Steps

With your email address set up, you can change your notification settings so that you receive emails for all the important things you want to stay informed about. Learn more about Notifications Settings.

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