You can use Showbie on iOS devices via the app. We also have a web app that can be accessed via any device with a browser (your computer, phone, Chromebooks, etc). Just go to!
Sign Up with a Username
On iOS, tap on the button that says Get Started to begin creating your account. On the web app, you can jump right to selecting the button that says I'm a Student.
Select I’m a Student.
Enter the class code provided by your teacher then tap Join class. If your teacher doesn’t know their code they can find it in their class settings.
Sign Up with a Username; Signing Up with Google and Other Sign-up Options are a bit different (see below).
Type in your account information and then tap Sign Up when you’re done.
Note: Remember that student accounts don’t need an email address. You can leave the Email field empty and still create an account. If you do choose to add an email, please note that students cannot edit their own name and/or emails once the account is created. If a student needs assistance changing your email, please contact
Sign Up with Google, Microsoft, or Feide
If you have a Google, Microsoft, or Feide login you can use those credentials to sign up as a student.
I’m a Student
Enter the class code provided by your teacher then tap Join class.
Select one of the available Single Sign-On (SSO) options and type in your account information.
Next Steps
Welcome to Showbie! Now that you’re all set up, try joining a class or if you’re already in a class, upload a file instead.