Just read this guide and say “there’s no place like Showbie” ✨
If none of your classes are appearing after you’ve signed into Showbie, it’s likely because of one of two things:
Refresh Showbie to force it to try loading your classes again
You’ve signed into the wrong account
Refreshing Showbie
Occasionally, due to network congestion, you might not see your classes or assignments in your active list.
To resolve this, you will want to refresh your active list by “pulling down” on the left side:
But I’m on the web app!
Instead of “pulling down” to refresh, just click on the refresh button and it should load up your class list for you!
Archived Classes?
Check to see if your classes have been archived. Follow this guide to find and unarchive your classes.
The Wrong Account?
Maybe you have more than one Showbie account and you just haven’t realized it. This could happen if you’ve used the wrong username/email to sign in. It’s possible that you logged in to a wrong account – knowingly or unknowingly, you may have created more than one Showbie account. If you can remember the login credentials for that account, try it and see if your classes are there.
Ask your teacher to confirm what username or email you use for Showbie. Here’s a guide for teachers on how to find a student's username.
Do you have more than one email address? Use your different emails to request a password reset email here:
If your email receives an email from Showbie, the email has an account associated with it
If you get the message that “we can’t seem to find a Showbie account with that email” then there is no Showbie account with that email