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Deactivating Teachers

Teachers can be deactivated from Showbie via the Admin Dashboard

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over 2 months ago

Have teachers from your school retired, moved on, or left your district? If so, it's important for Showbie Administrators to regularly audit their teacher list at the beginning and end of each school year. This helps ensure accurate licensing allocation and tracking of current teachers.

If a teacher is moving schools within your district, it is not necessary to deactivate them. Instead, please use the Transfer option within Import Services.

Deactivating a teacher's account removes their access to Showbie. However, active classes, assignments, and students will remain accessible to your school. For classes where the teacher is the sole owner, discussions will be paused and class registration set to closed. If the teacher has a Pro license, it can be reassigned to another teacher once the account is deactivated.

If a teacher is leaving your school but has active classes, it's recommended to have an active co-teacher take over those classes. You can easily reassign their classes to another active teacher from the teacher overview. You can do this before or after the teacher is deactivated.

Deactivating an Individual Teacher

You can deactivate any teacher in your school regardless of their license type:

  1. From the Teachers tab in the Admin Dashboard, search for the teacher account you wish to deactivate.

  2. Click the 3-dot icon next to that teacher's 'License' column and select Deactivate Account.

Deactivating Multiple Teachers

You can also deactivate in bulk by first selecting multiple teacher accounts:

  1. From the Teachers tab in the Admin Dashboard, hover over the profile image of the teachers you wish to deactivate and click the circle icon that appears next to their names.

  2. At the bottom of your screen, a menu will appear showing the number of teachers selected. In that bottom menu, click the 3-dot icon (next to 'Modify Licenses') and select Deactivate Members.

All verified and unverified teachers can be deactivated, regardless of their status. If you are deactivating multiple teachers in bulk, be sure to select only the teachers whose Showbie access should be removed.

Reactivating Individual Teachers

  1. From the Teachers tab in the Admin Dashboard, click the Filter Icon (3 stacked lines) next to the search field and select 'Deactivated' so that option is checked and enabled.

  2. Use the search field to enter the email address of the teacher to be reactivated (deactivated accounts will show 'Deactivated' as their status).

  3. Click the 3-dot icon next to that teacher's 'License' column and select Reactivate Account.

You can re-activate a teacher at any time. If they require a pro license, they will need to be re-upgraded to Pro after being reactivated.

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