Removing Teachers

Teachers can be removed from a school in the admin dashboard

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated yesterday

Teachers may move on from a school, so you need a way to remove them!

If a teacher no longer teaches at your school or has joined your school by mistake, you can easily remove them. Removing a teacher from your school blocks them from trying to join your school again. A teacher can always be re-invited if removed by mistake. Removing teachers can be performed for one teacher at a time or in bulk for multiple teachers.

*Please note that if a teacher is leaving your school and has active classes, it is recommended that an active co-teacher at your school join those classes to take them over and then block the leaving teacher from the active classes. You can easily assign their classes to another active teacher from the teacher overview.

Removing an Individual Teacher

Just like you can use the dropdown menu to upgrade/downgrade individual teachers in the Teachers tab, you can also use it to remove a teacher! You can remove any teacher regardless of their license.

Removing Multiple Teachers

  • From the Teachers tab, hover over the profile of the teachers you wish to remove, and then click to select

  • On the teacher list, look for the checkmark icons to select the teachers you need

  • At the bottom of your screen, you will see the number of teachers you have selected

  • Click the ellipses (the 3 dots) besides Modify Licenses and select 'Remove'

All verified and unverified teachers are eligible to be removed from your school, regardless of their status. If removing multiple teachers in bulk, ensure that you’ve selected only the teachers you wish to actually remove from your school.

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