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Showbie Data Migration FAQ for Admins

Questions about how migrating your school’s data to our data centre in Stockholm, Sweden will affect you? You've come to the right place!

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over 2 years ago

Who will be Migrated?

Only active data associated with your school subscription will be migrated. This association is based on approved teachers at your school.


Not Migrating



Admins who are approved teachers at migrating schools that have been active in the last 12 months

Admins not joined to a migrating school or that have not been active in the last 12 months

Admins that are associated with more than one school in different regions will require separate accounts to access school data in each region


Approved teachers that have been active in the last 12 months

Approved teachers that have that have not been active in the last 12 months

Unaccepted teacher invitations will be cleared prior to migration


Students belonging to active classes or groups of approved teachers

Students must have been active in the last 12 months

Students that have not been active in the last 12 months

Blocked students and students who are only in archived classes will not be migrated


Parents attached to at least one migrating student will be migrated

Parents attached to non-migrating students

Parents with Showbie students in different regions will require separate accounts to access student work in each region


Active classes owned (taught/co-taught) by an approved teacher — teacher and student content

Active classes that have not had any additions in the past 12 months will be archived

Archived classes owned (taught/ co-taught) by an approved teacher — teacher content only

Student content in archived classes

Since student content from archived classes will not be migrated, we recommend students download any portfolio content they want to keep from old classes prior to the migration

Keep in mind that only students in active classes will be included in the migration


Active groups owned by an approved teacher

Active groups that have not had any additions made to it in the past 12 months will be archived

Archived groups

Group members that are no longer in the same region as the group will lose access

*Teacher and student activity is based on last sign-in over the past 12 months.

Admin List - FAQs

Please contact your dedicated Implementation Specialist for an up-to-date list of administrators at your school to make sure it is accurate.

What if there are Admins missing from my school or Admins on my list that are no longer part of my school?

  • Use the Admin Tools form on the Admin Dashboard to add your missing administrators and also remove existing administrators from your school.

  • Need to add an Admin to your school or district? You can so this via the Admin Dashboard.

What if I am an Admin at more than one school?

  • Showbie accounts will only be able to access data from their host region

  • If the admin belongs to one or more schools in the global region, as well as your school that will be migrating to the EU, they will have to have separate accounts for each region

  • Our recommendation is to create another Showbie account using an email alias

Teacher List - FAQs

Use the Admin Dashboard to review and clean up your teacher list.

Which teachers from my admin dashboard list will be migrated?

  • Only approved teachers on your list will be migrated with your school

    • Need a refresher on how to Approve Teachers? See our guide here.

What if teachers are missing from my list that should be included in our migration?

  • Re-send invites to any pending teachers from the Admin Dashboard and make sure that they accept the invitation so they are joined to your school

  • Teachers who may have been removed from your school previously will not be able to rejoin on their own unless you invite them from the Admin Dashboard

  • Teachers who accept an invitation are automatically approved members of your school

What if teachers on my list are no longer members of my school?

What if teachers at my school have duplicate (more than one) accounts?

What will happen to unaccepted teacher invitations?

  • Once you have reviewed and updated your teacher list, please clear any unaccepted invitations before your migration

Are you a teacher with questions about how migrating your school’s data to our data centre in Stockholm, Sweden will affect you? Check out our guide, here.

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