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Showbie Data Migration FAQ for Teachers

Is your school migrating to Showbie’s EU data centre in Stockholm, Sweden? Here’s what you need to know.

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over 2 years ago

What data will be migrating?


Not Migrating



Approved teachers that have been active in the last 12 months

Approved teachers that have not been active in the last 12 months

Unaccepted teacher invitations will be cleared prior to migration


Students belonging to active classes or groups of approved teachers

Students must have been active in the last 12 months

Students that have not been active in the last 12 months

Blocked students and students who are only in archived classes will not be migrated


Parents attached to at least one migrating student will be migrated

Parents attached to non-migrating students

Parents with Showbie students in different regions will require separate accounts to access student work in each region


Active classes owned (taught/co-taught) by an approved teacher — teacher and student content

Active classes that have not had any additions in the past 12 months will be archived

Archived classes owned (taught/ co-taught) by an approved teacher — teacher content only

Student content in archived classes

Since student content from archived classes will not be migrated, we recommend students download any portfolio content they want to keep from old classes prior to the migration

Keep in mind that only students in active classes will be included in the migration


Active groups owned by an approved teacher

Active groups that have not had any additions made to it in the past 12 months will be archived

Archived groups

Group members that are no longer in the same region as the group will lose access

*Teacher and student activity is based on last sign-in over the past 12 months.

Please note your class and group codes will change once you have migrated to the new region. Current class and group members will not be affected, but you will have to use the new codes to join additional members.

Migrating Classes - FAQs

Which of my classes will be migrated?

  • All classes owned (taught/co-taught) by an admin approved teacher at the migrating school will be migrated

Will all class data be migrated?

  • Active classes that have had additions made to them in the past 12 months will be migrated entirely (ie. both teacher and student content)

  • In archived classes (or if an active class has not had any additions made in the past 12 months), only teacher uploaded content to the shared items folder will be migrated; the class discussion and individual student folders/content will not be migrated

What happens to student portfolio work in archived classes?

  • Since no student content in archived classes is migrated, student portfolio work from archived classes will disappear

  • We recommend students download any portfolio content they want to keep from old classes prior to the migration

What if I want to keep student work from an archived class?

  • Restore the class (make it active) if you want to maintain the class discussion and individual student folders

  • You must also make sure the class has had recent additions (in the past 12 months) in order for it to remain active

  • Note that a restored class will be visible to students once again and those students will be migrated as well

How do I make sure my class has had additions in the past 12 months?

  • Check the most recently added assignment in your class and make sure the last post date was within the past 12 months

  • When in doubt, post a new comment in an assignment

What if I have classes that do not need to be migrated?

What if I (a migrating teacher) am co-teaching a class with a teacher from another school who is not migrating?

Migrating Groups - FAQs

Which of my groups will be migrated?

  • All active groups owned by an admin approved teacher at the migrating school will be migrated

What about archived groups?

  • Archived groups will not be migrated

What if I want to migrate an archived group?

  • Unarchive the group if you would like it to be migrated

What happens to group members in a migrating group?

  • Groups will only be accessible to members who reside in the same regional data centre (ie. only Showbie users in the EU will be able to access groups moved to the EU)

  • Students belonging to a migrating group will also be migrated

What if I have groups that do not need to be migrated?

What if I (a migrating teacher) am the co-owner a group with a teacher from another school who is not migrating?

  • As long as one of the co-owners is an approved teacher at a migrating school, the group will be migrated

  • If you do not wish for the group to be migrated, the migrating teacher must resign ownership the group

Migrating Students - FAQs

Will all students be migrated?

  • As long as the student has an active account and belongs to at least one active class or group that will be migrating, the student will be migrated

What about blocked students?

  • Blocked students will not be migrated

  • However, as long as the student is active and belongs to at least one active class, their account will be migrated (even if they are blocked in other classes)

What about students in archived classes?

  • Students who only belong to archived classes will not be migrated

  • However, as long as the student is active and belongs to at least one active class, their account will be migrated (even if they belong to other archived classes)

Are you a student or parent with questions about how migrating your school’s data to our data centre in Stockholm, Sweden will affect you? Check out our guide, here.

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