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Showbie’s EU Data Centre

Showbie now has a data centre in Stockholm, Sweden! 🇸🇪

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over a week ago

As part of Showbie’s ongoing commitment to data privacy, we now have a Stockholm, Sweden-based data centre to compliment Showbie’s already GDPR-compliant data processing.

We are in the Early Adopter phase of our data residency project, having migrated a select few school and municipality customers. More about the data residency project

What does this mean?

Showbie is now operating two separate data centres. Global region data is stored in the Ashburn, Virginia in the USA, while EU region data is stored in Stockholm, Sweden.

These data centres do not talk to each other, which means that teachers, students and parents cannot interact with each other in Showbie from two different regions.

Has your school been migrated?

If your school has been moved to Showbie’s EU data centre, you should have received communication from your school or municipality about the change. If you are a teacher who had an existing Showbie account that was migrated with your school, you would have also received an email from us about what to expect. Talk to your administrator if you have questions about your school’s Showbie data centre.

FAQs for schools in Showbie’s EU data centre

If your school is operating in Showbie’s EU data centre, these FAQs are for you.

Do I have to go to a different place (url) to sign in to Showbie EU?

When you sign in to Showbie, you should automatically be directed to the correct data centre provided your account has been migrated or created in the correct data centre.

I am a new user - how do I make sure my account is created in the EU data centre?


  • To ensure your account is created in the EU, ask your Showbie Administrator to send you an invitation, or the unique sign up link for your school


  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the Showbie app (version 7.0.7 or later) or Showbie on the web

  • The first step of signing up for a new account will be to enter a class code.

    • Make sure this is a current class code from one of your teachers that is already in the EU region (6 characters long, beginning with “E”).


  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the Showbie iOS app (version 7.0.7 or later) or Showbie on the web

  • The first step of signing up for a new account will be to enter a parent code.

    • Parent codes are unique to your student, and can be obtained from your student’s teacher (7 characters long, beginning with “E”).

    • Using your student’s class code to sign up for a parent account will not work correctly.

Which region is my teacher, student or parent account in?

Sign in to Showbie and click on the question mark in the bottom right corner. Beside the version number of the app, you will see “EU” if you are in the EU data centre. Otherwise, you are in the global region operating out of the US data centre.

Showbie help menu with "EU" highlighted beside the version number

Help! I’ve created my teacher account in the wrong data region!

For teachers, the email address attached to your Showbie account must be unique across regions. In order to re-create your account in the correct region

  1. Sign in and change the email address on your current Showbie teacher account

  2. Then, have your administrator resend the invitation, which will allow you create a new Showbie teacher account in the correct data centre

If you are still having trouble or are a student or parent, please reach out to our support team.

How does my data region affect classes, co-teaching and other Showbie functionality?

Since data is not shared between the two data centres, classes and groups cannot be joined by co-teachers, students or parents whose accounts exist in a different data region. Also, features like assignment sharing will not work across regions.

Where can I find more information around migrated data?

To find out how data was migrated, check out these articles for administrators, teachers, and students and parents.

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