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Signing up as a Teacher

Create a teacher account in just a couple steps.

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over 6 months ago

Welcome to Showbie 👋 We're so happy you're here! Signing up as a teacher with Showbie is easy! We offer multiple ways to get started. Below are three options to sign up depending on how your school uses Showbie.

Sign up Via Invitation

If your school subscribes to Showbie Pro or Complete, your Showbie Admin will send you an email invitation that you can follow to complete your account sign-up.

Simply click the link in the email to begin the sign-up process. During sign-up, you can choose to use Microsoft, Google, Feide, Unilogin, or email/password for your account.

*Signing up via invitation is recommended and ensures automatic association with your school. Your Showbie Admin can upgrade you to Pro if needed once sign-up is complete.

Sign Up Completed by your Showbie Admin

Your Showbie Admin can request teacher accounts be created by the Showbie Support team, so that your account is already up & running for you!

If they've requested your account be created for you, you will receive an email confirmation of your account creation. Upon receipt of that email, you can visit the Showbie sign-in page via the web or app and click 'forgot password' to reset your password. After resetting, you can log in and your account will be automatically associated with your school. Your Admin can then assign your Pro license immediately.

Sign Up Directly through the App

Note: If your school subscribes to Showbie, please confirm with your Showbie Admin before signing up directly.

  • On an iOS device, install the Showbie app to sign up directly.

    • Alternatively, visit and click "Get Started" to create your account.

  • Choose "I'm a Teacher" and sign up with Google, Microsoft, Feide, UniLogin or email. Follow the prompts to set up your account, including choosing a name for students to see when you post.

  • Tap "Let's Go" to complete the process.

Next Steps

Once your account is all set, feel free to explore around a bit!

Setting up your class is super easy, just follow these three simple steps:

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