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Admin Analytics

Track Showbie usage at your school

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over a week ago

Admin Analytics

Admin Analytics allow school admins to stay on top of important information and activity in Showbie. To access your school’s analytics, login to your admin dashboard. If you Administer more than one school or serve as the district admin, all of this data will be available within your single admin account, though you will need to select the school whose analytics you are looking to view from the drop down menu. Analytics are available by both school or by district.

In the dashboard, look for the Analytics tab on the left hand side menu:

Once there, you'll see numerous charts that show general information and activity for your school. You will see multiple tabs that categorize your school's data. You can navigate between them to see analytics at your school as a whole or dive deeper to view teachers, students, parent affiliations, and even Socrative! You can also download all of the information as a PDF or CSV. Click the download button in the top-right corner of the chart:

All available Showbie usage and license data is available from within your Admin Analytics. It is important to note that the data in Admin Analytics is only available in 30 day increments. If you wish to compare usage data year over year, you must download the data every 30 days in order to view and compile historical data over time. The data can be downloaded quickly, easily, and in a variety of file formats to best suit your needs.

The data available to Administrators in the Admin Dashboard is as follows:

  • Account Information

    • School Name

    • Total Licenses

    • Subscription duration/end date

    • Total teachers associated with your school in Showbie

    • Active teachers associated with your school in Showbie

    • Active students associated with classes at your school in Showbie

    • A listing of the most active teachers

    • 30 day overview of teacher & student activity

  • Teacher Information

    • Active Teachers with their number of assignments created and contributed to

    • Total Teachers associated with your school by name and email with their class count & last active date as well as their most recent login method

      • Note that the 'last active' date is when a teacher last actioned in Showbie, ie: commented or annotated an assignment

    • Recently added teachers associated with your school

  • Student & Parent Information

    • Active Students with their number of contributions & last login date and class count

    • Total Students associated with your school by name & username, along with their parent access code, and sign up date along with their most recent login method

    • Total Parents associated with your school by name, email, and student associated as well as parent access code and date connected with their student

  • Class Information

    • Total classes by name and class code taught by teachers associated with your school

      • Including the number of teachers, students, and active assignments per class

    • All classes with the student associations to each class by student first/last name

    • All classes with teacher associations to each class by teacher first last/name

    • Weekly activity graph over the last 30 days showing student activity within classes

  • Socrative

    • All teachers by first, last name, and email associated with the school’s pro license key

*Note that if you'd like to download or view more than 500 rows of data, you'll need to go into ‘Advanced options’ when downloading and select 'All Results' under number of rows. Only 500 rows of data are shown in the table for optimization purposes.

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